
36" Cross form with lavender Roses, red mini Roses, pink and purple Carnations, green Button Mums, white Spider Mums, and white Hydrangea.

Have a special request? Let us know in the ”special instructions to the florists” section in your shopping cart just before checkout.

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Substitution Policy

The image(s) shown here are indicative of the look and style we will be creating when you order a flower arrangement. Although the actual arrangement may not precisely match the photos shown, its character will.

Substitutions of flowers and/or containers happen due to inventory availability, weather, seasonality, and even market conditions. We always strive to ensure that the style, theme, and color scheme of your arrangement is preserved and will only substitute items of equal or higher value.

If any elements are of major importance to your order, please let us know in the “Special instructions to the florists” section in your shopping cart or contact us by phone during business hours (732) 295-0600.